Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mr. November

There's a handful of songs I've been listening to on repeat this week since the last time I posted and those include: Gillian Welch--Hard Times , Dawes--A Little Bit of Everything , Tom Petty--It'll All Work Out , Ryan Adams--Ashes and Fire , Bruce Springsteen--Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?

You know what I hope you all did this week?

Other random observations: I'm worried about the Bears tomorrow night. Loud crowd + good opponent + Bears potential for badness= recipe for an epic fail on Monday night. Nonetheless, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, only because I don't want to believe my rational thinking. My picks to win in the NFL this week are: Jets, Cowboys, Texans, Falcons, Chiefs, Saints, 49ers, Raiders, Titans, Cardinals, Patriots, Chargers, Steelers, *gulp* Eagles. 95% chance I get all of them wrong.

Also, my favorite athlete in the entire world, Roger Federer, won his first title in 10 months today in his hometown of Basel, Switzerland. Here's hoping he adds at least one more major to his career stats next year.

Happy Sunday, everyone!