Wednesday, October 19, 2011

These are my confessions

Following Usher's lead, I've decided to come clean: I need to air out some musical confessions of mine. While I'd like to believe that everything I listen to is pretty awesome and that most everyone would agree, I'd be fooling no one by doing so. You see, I enjoy Wilco, the Beatles, and Bob Dylan. But I also enjoy Taylor Swift, the occasional Justin Bieber, and some Dixie Chicks. To be perfectly honest, it doesn't even bother me much to admit it. I'm a firm believer that if you like the music and the way it makes you feel, then roll on. If that means wanting to dance to"Baby" like a teenage girl, then so be it. If it means feeling a sense of innocence and nostalgic heartbreak while hearing "Fearless", then be my guest. I'm not saying that I, personally, have done either of those things....well, okay, I am. Bottom line: Next time you hear a song that you absolutely dig but are afraid to admit it, go ahead and remember that I freely admit to loving the song "Complicated" and don't be ashamed.

Here are a few more of my not-so-guilty pleasures: "Not Ready to Make Nice" , "Jealousy", "Party in the USA".

(I'm gonna regret admitting all this, aren't I.....)

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